BS5Plain Bludit Theme released

BS5Plain released! A Bootstrap 5 theme for Bludit with support for most Bludit 15.3.x features. Get it while it’s hot: See it live here: #bludit #cms #theme #foss #oss #opensource

The GitHub ReadME Project

The GitHub ReadME project is all about increasing awareness about Open Source, its developers and communities, as well as bringing people closer together. Chances are you’re using more Open Source code in your everyday life than you know. From GitHub ReadME about: Coding is usually …

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var_dump() for Javascript

PHP, for example, has var_dump() and print_r() to facilitate quick variable dumps to log files, etc. For Javascript, one can use console.log() in combination with JSON.stringify() to achieve something similar.   console.log( JSON.stringify(object) ); It’s also possible to “pretty-print” the output like so:   console.log( JSON.stringify(object, null, …

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