Using Shared Resources from your Linux workstation in your RemoteDesktop (RDP) environment and Windows Server

If you, like me, are using Ubuntu – or similar – for your daily stuff and need to connect to a Windows Server by using RemoteDesktop (RDP) / TerminalServer, you may find that local (Linux) resources are not made available to you on the Windows …

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rsyslogd eats CPU on OpenVZ

All of a sudden, rsyslogd on an Ubuntu installation running under OpenVZ is using 100% CPU. One alternative is to replace rsyslogd for syslog-ng, but if you want to “fix” rsyslogd instead, here’s how: service rsyslog stop sed -i -e ‘s/^\$ModLoad imklog/#\$ModLoad imklog/g’ /etc/rsyslog.conf service …

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Linus Torvalds

Only wimps use tape backup: real men just upload their important stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it 😉 (Linus Torvalds)