Simple password validator for PHP

 * Simple password construct validator for PHP 
 * Joaquim Homrighausen <>
 * May 30, 2019 
 * Do whatever you want with this snippet :) 
 * This may not necessarily agree with the section
 * "Strength of Memorized Secrets" in the document
 * from NIST:
 * NIST Special Publication 800-63B 
 * Digital Identity Guidelines 
 * Authentication and Lifecycle Management 

function password_check_construct ($pstr, $min_length = 8)
  //Setup pattern and stuff minimum requested length into it
  if ($min_length < 4) {
    //We need at least four characters to satisfy our regexp
    $min_length = 4;

  $match_rules = '/^(?=.{'.(int)$min_length.',})(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[[:punct:]]).*$/';

  //Require at least one a-z, one A-z, one 0-9, and one punctuation/special character
  if (preg_match ($match_rules, $pstr) === 1) {
    return (true);
  return (false);

This is also available as a gist on GitHub. Knock yourself out 🙂

There’s a similar variant using mb_ereg_match() available here:
Simple password validator for PHP using mb_ereg_match

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