Need small icons? Go FAMFAMFAM!

Finding large, zillion-color, icons for various use has really turned into a no-brainer these days. The imagination and creativity of graphics wizards around the world never cease to amaze. While this is wonderful in environments like “regular” web sites, or in situations where only a few icons have to be placed on the screen at any given time, it also serves to demonstrate the lack of good “tiny” or “mini” icons.

That is not to say they aren’t available, they’re just hard to come by. And when you find them, they tend to be available in only small sets (16, 32, sometimes 64) in unified themes. Enter the site and Mark James of Birmingham, UK. Check out his wonderful collections of small/tiny icons here.

Some other sites, with less complete collections:

Link to a site/post with links to other “tiny” and “not-so-tiny” collections:

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