WonderCMS Bootstrap 5 theme, updated

The updated version, 1.1.0, of the WonderCMS Bootstrap 5 theme includes support for “Dark mode”, based on the visitor browser’s preference. If you haven’t yet checked out WonderCMS, and if you’re looking for a really tiny CMS platform, you may want to have a look. …

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WonderCMS Bootstrap 5 theme

WonderCMS is an extremely small and simple CMS written in PHP. It can be installed and configured in less than a minute and puts a minimal load on your web server. After having browsed the available themes, I put together a Boostrap 5 Theme for …

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Arbitrary interpretation of GDPR

Feel free to use this in any given situation where one or more people voice the opinion that we can not, and should not, look at GDPR in black or white, but that it should be enforced and used arbitrarily and in “keeping with the …

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Mounting /proc with hidepid under Ubuntu

On most Linux systems, anyone can see everyone else’s processes, running commands, and so on. This can be achieved by simply issuing a ps ax or similar. The same applies to the process monitor command “top”. In certain circumstances, you may want to avoid this. …

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