var_dump() for Javascript

PHP, for example, has var_dump() and print_r() to facilitate quick variable dumps to log files, etc. For Javascript, one can use console.log() in combination with JSON.stringify() to achieve something similar.   console.log( JSON.stringify(object) ); It’s also possible to “pretty-print” the output like so:   console.log( JSON.stringify(object, null, …

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Ubuntu 20.04, Nginx, Redmine, Ruby, and Passenger-Phusion confusion

Redmine, Ruby, Passenger-Phusion, and Nginx makes for an extremely confusing situation with dependencies, installation “instructions”, and “mismatching” package versions. Redmine wants Ruby x, your Linux distribution has Ruby y, Passenger-Phusion only works with Ruby z, and you quite often end up in a loop somewhere. …

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Shortcodes for Font Awesome 1.1.0

The WordPress plugin Shortcode for Font Awesome (SCFA) 1.1.0 has been released: Tested with WordPress 5.6 Tested with PHP 7.4 Updated to Font Awesome 5.15.1 You can get it from: The GitHub repo is here: