Politically incorrect questioning of human nature

“Politically incorrect questioning of human nature” How can we claim to be a truly intelligent spieces when we keep repeating the mistakes of those who died fighting? We say that animals cannot help themselves; that they cannot purposedly decide between right or wrong – because …

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“Catharina” Mother, I miss you so. Mother, why did you have to go? Mother, can you tell me what I’m looking for? Mother, I’m swimming, but I can’t seem to find a shore. Mother, I love you so. Mother, it’s so hard to let you …

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“Tomorrow” I have heard people say that you can’t predict the future. There is no way you can prepare for tomorrow, the next hour, the next minute, nor the next second. I used to ignore these people and not care much about it; I mean, …

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(no title)

“(no title)”

It takes so little to blacken a heart;
It takes so much to make it shine;
At least when we’re talking about mine.


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Dee Snider, one S.M.F.

I must have been fourteen or fifteen years old; barely aware of what the words hard rock meant. I can’t remember how I came to be there, but my brother undoubtedly had something to do with it. Anyway, it was the first time I saw …

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Under större delen av Jan/Feb/Mar 1998 har det funnits problem med snöröjningen i många delar av landet. Jag kan inte kommentera annat än det jag sett och upplevt själv; dvs. saknaden av kompetent snöröjning i Stockholmsregionen. Att problemet överhuvudtaget existerar är mer eller mindre absurt. …

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Disneyland After Dark (D:A:D)!

Once again, it was time for the Danish dudes to introduce some of their Swedish fans to a heart-stopping show; for me, it was the first time seeing them live. What can you say?! What a show! “I’m naked but still stripping” was ringing in …

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Hela Norge lever – men EU-Sverige…

Svar till insändaren “Hela Norge lever – men EU-Sverige…” (Aftonbladet, 971223): Det är precis den här typen av gnäll och total saknad av solidaritet som gör att Sverige har problem. Att flera människor väljer att gnälla och gaffla om EU hit och EU dit istället …

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Raising taxes to help the black market?

Can somebody, preferrably the rocket scientist who invented the concept, please explain to me how raising the taxes of alcohol and tobacco will have a positive net result? The black marketeers must be having a blast with such taxes soaring to new and wonderful heights, …

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The Swedish Alcohol Monopoly

Why is it that the majority of (adult) Swedes accept the fact that the government tells them when, how, and if they can consume alcohol? How stupid is the concept of being able to vote, drive a car, and go through the military service – …

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