Fifteen weeks and April’s fool

It’s now more than twice the amount of time since I wrote this; and I’m hanging in there. Hooraay! I can’t say everything is peachy, but I actually forget to “feel the need” at times. I’ve had a one week no-munchies policy, which works pretty good. It’s hard to stop munching once you start. It’s the almighty nicotine calling.

The rowing machine and my Ecco shoes are paying with sweat and tears for my breaking the habit. Oh well, they were made to be punished! 🙂

I get into a few more arguments @ home, silly arguments. I mean, most arguments tend to be silly to some degree, but when they’re lack-of-nicotine-induced, they get really silly.

1 thought on “Fifteen weeks and April’s fool”

  1. Well, it’s now an official (?) 36 weeks since I was a “using nicotinist”, I guess in the tradition of AA, I’m now a non-using or sober nicotinist

    Here’s at seven weeks, and here’s at fifteen weeks.



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