Waiting for Santa

Sipping on my second tumbler of Bushmill’s (my favorite whiskey), something nice and warm begins to enclose me. Sure, it’s the booze you say; well, maybe the drink does its part, but I think it’s something else.. I’m beginning to realize how my parents (and mostly my mother in that case) felt, at 23:30, half an hour before the 24th of December (which is when most people celebrate Christmas in Sweden).

I’m the only one awake now; Janet, Alexander, Filip, and Janet’s mother (“mommo”) are all sound asleep. I can hear the sound of the dishwasher in the background. I’m done! I’m finished with all the things that felt staggering this morning. The tree, the ham, the gingerbread house, the toffee, the house cleaning, the last-minute-and-then-last-second-shopping.. and now it’s all done.. so I can sip some more Bushmill’s.

This is probably the best part of Christmas for me .. this, and seeing the face of my children when they open their gifts and see the mountains of candy (they don’t care much for ham and herring yet 🙂 )

Of course, I get to do it all again in 24 hours, when I’ve survived Christmas Eve, and sit back to sip on another tumbler with more Bushmill’s in it. Hooray! Thanks to Mark Kerr for showing me the way of Bushmill’s, and thanks to Colin Turner for doing the millenium thing.

I think I’ll take the next sip for my mother, who passed away much too young, at the beginning of December, 14 years ago. And then, one for my brother, my sister, my kids, my wife, Axl (both of them).. hmm.. I might need a refill 🙂

Almost forgot..


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