Dee Snider, one S.M.F.

I must have been fourteen or fifteen years old; barely aware of what the words hard rock meant. I can’t remember how I came to be there, but my brother undoubtedly had something to do with it. Anyway, it was the first time I saw …

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Under större delen av Jan/Feb/Mar 1998 har det funnits problem med snöröjningen i många delar av landet. Jag kan inte kommentera annat än det jag sett och upplevt själv; dvs. saknaden av kompetent snöröjning i Stockholmsregionen. Att problemet överhuvudtaget existerar är mer eller mindre absurt. …

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Disneyland After Dark (D:A:D)!

Once again, it was time for the Danish dudes to introduce some of their Swedish fans to a heart-stopping show; for me, it was the first time seeing them live. What can you say?! What a show! “I’m naked but still stripping” was ringing in …

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