Happy 12th Birthday Alexander!

Today, 12 years and nine months ago, something awesome happened. Though I am reasonably well versed in the art of writing, it is way beyond my capabilities to put into words how much this event, and those that followed have changed my life. Nine months later, I experienced an event that can best be described as a frontal collision with a bus, although nowhere near as painful. I became your father!

Thank you Alexander for all the things you have showed me.
Thank you Alexander for all the things you have taught me.
Thank you Alexander for all the things you have given me.

Thank you Alexander.

Despite all my faults and errors of the past, and my flaws of present, and those mistakes I will make in the future, I will always love you, and I will always put my soul into helping you to the best of my abilities.

I love you dude, HoBo Alexander.SE!

Happy Birthday Alexander.

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